Sapphire Community Web Portal User Agreement
The Sapphire Community Web Portal ('Portal') is intended to provide a safe and secure environment for the K12 Area School District community to communicate easily and effectively with parents, students and school district employees in the information age. The Portal is made available to all students, parents, and school district employees and will provide qualified users with a variety of services.

 The smooth operation of the Portal relies in part on the proper conduct of the users who must adhere to strict guidelines administered by K12 Systems, Inc. and the K12 Area School District. The District's Acceptable Use Policy and the guidelines outlined below must be followed. Efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of the portal resources are required. Parents and students will adhere to the laws, policies, and rules governing the Portal including, but not limited to, the District's Acceptable Use Policy, copyright laws, rights of software publishers, license agreements, and student rights of privacy created by federal and state law, District rules, policies and agreements, and Internet service provider agreements.

In response for the privilege of accessing the K12 Area School District Community Web Portal, every parent/guardian is expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. Parents are required to adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Parents will not share their user identification, password(s) and Personal Identification Number (PIN) with anyone.
  2. Parents will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own children, of another user, or school or district network.
  3. Parents will not use the Community Web Portal for any illegal activity, including the violation of data privacy laws. Anyone found to be violating laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
  4. Parents will not access data or any account owned by another user. All student information must be collected, maintained, used, disclosed, and re-disclosed in compliance with all privacy laws, rules, policies and orders.
  5. A parent who identifies a security problem(s) with the Portal must notify the Director of Technology's office immediately, without demonstrating, discussing, or sharing in any way the problem(s) to anyone else.
  6. Parents who are identified as a security risk to the Portal may be denied its use, and/or be disciplined on a case-by-case basis pursuant to the District's Acceptable Use Policy, and other District policies, rules and agreements.
Initial Information that will be posted on the Community Web Portal by the district:
  • Homeroom Attendance
  • Current Student Schedule
  • Mid-term Progress Report
  • Report Card
  • Special district and building announcements
Information that may be posted on the Community Web Portal voluntary by the employee:
  • Daily grades for current classes (Voluntary.)
  • Homework Assignments (Voluntary)
Other Information:
  • System Requirements:
  • **Your computer must meet or exceed the minimum following requirements.
    1. Internet Connection-56k modem speed or greater
    2. Browser: Internet Explorer 5.5+(PC Only) or Netscape, Firefox or Safari with 128 bit encryption
    3. A monitor with at least 800X600 resolution
  • Security Features of the Community Web Portal
    1. If you leave the Community Web Portal Web Browser open and inactive for a period of time you will be automatically logged off.
    2. When you are ready to end your Community Web Portal session make sure you click the "Log Off" button.
  • District Contact Information:
    1. Telephone help with the District Technology Office is available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. school days. You may also send an E-mail to: .
      Please include your name, your user id, your telephone number and a brief description of the problem in your e-mail request for help.
    2. If for any reason you should need to contact a classroom teacher, you may call School for demo purposes only. at: 610-555-1212 or you may post a question through the Community Web Portal.
Your Community Web Portal User Account will be set up as soon as we receive your completed and signed Community Web Portal Registration. You may submit it to the address below.


School for demo purposes only.
Community Web Portal User Policy
123 Main St.
Philadelphia, PA 15201
You will receive an email when your Community Web Portal User Account is ready for use. Be sure to check your spam filter if necessary.

I have read and agree to the above policies.